Women's Wellness Psychology

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Woman’s Wellness Psychology focuses on empowerment, embracing personal power, The focus is helping humans (both women AND men) discover how to break the stereotypes and molds of some roles/expectations that may be hindering them, causing stress or blocking them from being assertive, confident or moving forward,

It is important to have treatment particularly focused on Woman’s Wellness because the roots of much of our current understanding of human psychology tends to overly pathologize women’s experiences without recognizing the systemic pressures, socializations, stereotypes and marginalization that highly influence how a woman feels in her world.

A Woman’s Wellness perspective is not just for women. Anyone experiencing marginalization or pressures of stereotypes/ expectations can benefit from Woman’s Wellness Psychology.

Therapy within this perspective tends to focus on reclaiming personal power and learning new skills to help you shed the external pressures to follow a path of self-determination.

Working Women in Covid: Mass Exodus or Exile?

Working Women in Covid: Mass Exodus or Exile?

Is it burnout? Is it re-prioritizing? Is it for my health and well-being? Is it COVID Fatigue? Is it fear of COVID? Is it my choice? Is it being forced on me by an inflexible employer? Am I just a COVID-affected world casualty? Is it self-care? Is it so I can meet my responsibilities at home?

Let's start working together!

Reach out today!

EMAIL: Please complete the form below to send a message or request to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

CALL: You may also call using the information below.

EMERGENCY: If you require immediate assistance, please CLICK HERE for community resources.