Psychologist's Library

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Here is a list of self-help books and interesting reads as general suggestions for informational purposes. These are books that I have found to be particularly thought-provoking, helpful, and uniquely insightful. 

A book is an opportunity to learn and explore in a general manner, rather than a specific treatment in and of itself. When a book is given in conjunction with treatment it is called Bibliotherapy (which this list is not). By providing a list of books and links my goal is to help provide information about the best resources I have found. 

I encourage you to approach the selection of your reading material in a manner characterized with diligence and honoring of your unique circumstances. Consultation with a mental health professional can help assist you to choose between the options provided.

If any of the books lists peak your interest I am available to meet and begin a bibliotherapy service agreement with you. If you are working with a mental healthcare provider already I suggest you collaborate with them in regards to choosing the best books for you and your specific needs in your particular circumstance.

Health Psychology

Chronic Illness

Chronic Pain

Clinical Mental Health



Pediatric Psychology

Your description goes here…

My Subtitle

Pediatric Anxiety

Pediatric Social Skills and Emotion Regulation

Adolescent Psychology


Wellness Psychology

Women's Wellness

Men's Wellness



Personal Growth


Habit Formation

Habit Cessation



Grief and Loss

Fertility Journeys

My Subtitle


Social Justice

Anti-Racism Resources

Truth and Reconciliation Resources

Let's start working together!

Disclaimer: Dr. Paul may earn a small commission from’s Affiliate Program for recommendations or links to any products or services from this website. There is never any additional cost to you when you purchase through use of these links. Recommendations are not biased or influenced by in any way. You may also be able to find some of these books at your local bookstores.