Anxiety Disorders

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Worry, stress, nervousness, and anxiety are normal human reactions to challenging situations. The difference between ‘normal’ anxiety and an Anxiety Disorder is how long it lasts and how it impacts your life. Your normal feelings of anxiety are likely shifting into an Anxiety Disorder if you feel like you are designing your life around how to avoid these anxious experiences. Often an Anxiety Disorder results in difficulties at work, home, in your life, and in your relationships.

Research has provided strong support for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as an effective treatment for anxiety and Anxiety Disorders. However, this does not mean all treatment for anxiety looks the same. There are many different types of Anxiety Disorders. Although treatment for various Anxiety Disorders may be called CBT, it is not the same treatment for all types of anxiety, and therapy may look significantly different for every person.

When you first enter treatment, a therapist will help you determine what type of anxiety you are experiencing; if it is an Anxiety Disorder and what type of Anxiety Disorder it is. An accurate understanding of your experience of anxiety is fundamental because it directs a therapist to the appropriate CBT strategies for treatment to reduce your difficulties.

Overall, research has found that people often find the treatment for Anxiety Disorders very effective and often notice significant improvement after even a few sessions. Anxiety is not a life sentence. How you feel can change. Through a collaboration with your therapist, you will experience challenge, mastery, and strength at each step of the process. You are the driver in how and at what speed treatment will progress.

Let's start working together!

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EMAIL: Please complete the form below to send a message or request to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

CALL: (825) 809-5436

EMERGENCY: If you require immediate assistance, please CLICK HERE for community resources.