Mindfulness Based Therapy

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Ponder these two perspectives….

It is snowing. I hate the snow. My day is ruined. I hate winter. This is going to be rough. I may as well hibernate in my house until spring. I feel … like giving up.


Mindful noticing: It is snowing. The sky is blue and cloudless. The smoke from the chimneys goes up and veers left horizontally. The snow has footprints from people walking on the sidewalk and squirrels scampering.

Which are you? Which feels better?

Mindfulness-based therapy focuses on training your attention to the mindful noticing of what is happening right now without judging the goodness or badness of what is happening. Research has found training your perspective this way can help you feel more in control rather than be controlled by experiences.

I can help you develop a curious awareness of the present and you in that present. Gain clarity, expand your perspective, and shift how your experiences impact you. I am here for you.

If you are looking to:

*Feel more in control

*Develop a curious awareness

*Gain clarity

*Shift how your experiences impacts you

Then let’s chat!

Reach out today!

EMAIL: Please complete the form below to send a message or request to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

CALL: You may also call using the information below.

EMERGENCY: If you require immediate assistance, please CLICK HERE for community resources.