You are in control.

I use a Person-Centred approach. This means I will collaboratively work with you as you lead our discussions to discover your goals and your solutions. I will compassionately listen to you and provide encouragement and support throughout your process of discovery. My role is to suspend judgment and facilitate; versus labeling and telling you what your goals should be. You will be in control the whole way. This is YOUR therapy, and it works best when you lead the way.

Science based treatment.

My training is scientist/practitioner; science/evidence is fundamental to my work. This is not just talking. It is therapy; Evidence-Based Therapy. The best available scientific research informs every step of our work together.

My years of education, vast clinical experience, and results of scientific studies all help me work with you in the best way to honour who you are, what you are working on, and your goals.

I focus on your strengths.

I use a Strength-Based approach. When you are aware of your strengths and how to use your strengths in everyday living, you will be happier, feel better about yourself, and achieve your goals.

It is tough to know your strengths. Our mind tends to focus on the “areas for improvement.” But, being aware of how to improve is different than focusing on your weaknesses and failures. I can help you shift your view. This will not be blowing sunshine at you or trite dismissive clichés; I focus on the unique strengths you have through using Positive Psychology.

Positive Psychology helps shine a light on your strength and helps people realize their superpowers that they have taken for granted or dismissed with quick “everyone can do that.” Not everyone can do what you do in the way you do it. I believe everyone has strengths; their superpower. In our work together, I can help you recognize the strength you already possess and channel it into your effort to get where you want to be.

“Play is the highest form of research” Albert Einstein

The world is complex, confusing, troubling, and, at times, overwhelming for kids … and adults.

When the world becomes difficult, people tend to look for “the answer.” But often, “the answer” feels incomplete because it IS incomplete. Living is not a series of problems to be solved. Living is the journey through the problems.

A complete solution means developing a perspective that nurtures creativity, flexibility, and openness to options. It is developing a Play Perspective.

Play-informed therapy focuses on how you approach problems and the way you seek a solution. Research supports the outcomes of therapy success are often more about the way you seek a solution than the actual solution.

Play-informed therapy can look like play, doing a piece of art, or it can be as simple as integrating humour. I promise I will not make you sit on the floor and play with lego… I mean, if you desperately want to … maybe….but this is not my intent.

Play Informed Therapy focuses on developing a playful and creative approach to problem-solving and living. It focuses on increasing personal responsibility, emotional expression, empathy, self-confidence, and social relationships.

Albert Einstein stated, “Play is the highest form of research”, and Play Therapy research has shown it can be the window into happiness, well-being and living fully.

I can help you find the humour and play in your life … and I will have lego… if you really want it.

I want to listen, hear, see, and understand you.

I use a respectful, conscious approach to build an understanding of how your life experience, age, race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identification, religion, culture, ethnicity, and belief system interact to form your unique opinions, values, morals, attitudes, and behaviours.

I aim to honour and respect how you interact with your world and how it interacts with you. The terminology in the research refers to this as “Individual, Cultural and Diversity Competence” and “Intersectionality.”

My training focused on developing inward curiosity to discover and become aware of myself, my culture, and my interaction with my world. This inward awareness acts as a foundation for building a deep and conscious approach to seeing you as a distinct and unique individual and understanding the differences between my experience of the world and your experience.

Research indicates that therapy that focuses on recognizing and responding to the individual, culture, and diversity increases comfort, improves communication, and makes treatment more effective even when working with clients with diverse and different backgrounds and experiences.

My training allows me more breadth in who I can help. I genuinely want to listen, hear, see and understand you!

How I work with people

My specialty is a highly individualized treatment based on science, respect, and compassion. I want to help you find what works for you. I draw on my education, clinical experience, and humanity to develop a treatment highly personalized to you. It is not uncommon for us to create a unique language that names your “problem” like a character in a story that you oust, the main character. However, my experience, training, and education provide a firm basis for many different modalities and treatment approaches.

You can be confident your therapy will be individualized, unique, scientifically supported, and will be a therapy that works best for you.

Therapy Just For You

During your first session, I will ask you about your story and ask questions about the reasons you are seeking treatment. I want to know what is happening, how it affects your life, and what you hope to move forward with. This helps me understand what treatments may be helpful for you and allows us to discuss and collaboratively develop a plan.

The treatment plan will be informed by science, years of education, years of supervised practice, my 20 years of clinical experience, and, most importantly, you.

Your therapy will be based on science but be unique and tailored to you, what you need, want, and how you want to proceed.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Together, we adjust limiting negative thought patterns to evict your inner critic and empower your capability. I am an expert at facilitating this eviction process.

Narrative Therapy

You are NOT the problem. The problem is the problem.

You are the expert on yourself, and we will focus on shifting your inner narrative to better reflect who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be.

Mindfulness Based Therapy

Mindfulness-based therapy helps you develop a curious awareness of the present and you in that present. It can help you see with more clarity and shift how your experiences impact you.

Let's start working together!

Reach out today!

EMAIL: Please complete the form below to send a message or request to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

CALL: (825) 809-5436

EMERGENCY: If you require immediate assistance, please CLICK HERE for community resources.

PLEASE do not include any personal health information about yourself or someone else through e-mail, contact forms, phone, or any social media platform. These forms of communication are reserved to help you connect with Dr. Paul not to receive treatment or advice.