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Health Psychology

What happens with your body ripples out and influences you, your life, your family, your world. The path of medical concerns is not an easy one and a Health Psychologist can help you navigate that path.

My doctoral research addressed this through finding a scientifically supported model for the role of how we think and experience our world, the medical system and set our goals can meaningfully impact your life and your suffering.

Pain and Illness may be unavoidable but suffering is not.

Clinical Mental Health Counselling

Clinical Mental Health Counselling is a branch of clinical psychology that specializes in diagnosable mental disorders: such as, Anxiety disorders, Depressive disorders, etc.

Psychologists with this specialization are trained to provide services to individuals and families across the lifespan and from all ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as groups and communities.

The focus is to:

  1. intervene during episodes of serious mental distress.
  2. assess, diagnose, develop treatment plans, and carry out treatment as necessary.
  3. consult with other health professionals and organizations

Pediatric Psychology

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and difficult experiences. Most parents will encounter a few bumps in the road as their child moves from baby to teen to adult. Not because they are not good parents but rather because the road is bumpy!

Seeking support for your child or yourself, as a parent, is an act of love and recognition that children/teens are complex and don’t come with a manual.

The focus of my work with children, teenagers and families is to help improve the health and well-being of the child, the teen, the parents and the family.

Women's Wellness

A Woman’s Wellness perspective is not just for women. Anyone experiencing marginalization or pressures of stereotypes/ expectations can benefit from Woman’s Wellness Psychology.

Therapy within this perspective tends to focus on reclaiming personal power and learning new skills to help you shed the external pressures to follow a path of self-determination.

Life Transitions

“The only thing constant is change.” ~ Heraclitus, Greek philosopher

There’s no denying that life often presents us with our fair share of challenges. These life transitions, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling stressed, confused and vulnerable. But with the right tools and mindset, you have the power to not only overcome any adversity but also transform into a more authentic and confident version of yourself.

COVID Coping

2020 changed everyone, everything, everywhere.

It wasn’t just FOMO, it was a world of missing out.

What has remained consistent for everyone is that things changed, for better and for worse, things changed, for everyone, in different ways. We all miss someone/something, worry about our loved ones /our relationships/financial security/our job security/our … lives and livelihood. And we were all powerless to change it.

Therapy can help you find a path that feels congruent, satisfying and right; even if it looks different that what your 2019 self would have suggested.

Social Justice

Social Justice Psychology has been referred to as The Fifth Wave of Psychology.

But what is Social Justice?

Let's start working together!

Reach out today!

EMAIL: Please complete the form below to send a message or request to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

CALL: (825) 809-5436

EMERGENCY: If you require immediate assistance, please CLICK HERE for community resources.

PLEASE do not include any personal health information about yourself or someone else through e-mail, contact forms, phone, or any social media platform. These forms of communication are reserved to help you connect with Dr. Paul not to receive treatment or advice.