Social Media

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Social media is a wonderful tool that helps people get informed and engaged. I have professional pages on various social media sites and use social media to provide general information and education only. My social media sites are not intended to be treatment or advice.

If you are interested in accessing general information about psychology please feel free to check out my professional social media:


Facebook: Dr. Tula Paul

Twitter: @talktothedoc

LinkedIn: Dr. Tula Paul

You are under no obligation and there is no expectation for you to look at these resources. If you choose to read these resources, I welcome you.

In the event you choose to check out these social media sites, I have created a social media policy to protect you, your information, privacy, and confidentiality and inform you how I use social media and handle different social media situations.

The following is my standard operating practice.


I am committed to diligently maintaining the standards of privacy and confidentiality.

I will not post information about any of my clients on social media. My posts will speak to aggregates of information. Any similarity between your specific circumstances and the content of a post is coincidental and indicates that many other people experience something similar.

  1. I will not google you.
  2. It is not a part of my clinical practice to search for client information (including students, trainees, consultees, and others with whom I have had a professional clinical relationship) on Google, Facebook, or other search engines.
  3. In the unusual instance that I fear for your safety, the safety of someone else, or potential risk to a child, AND I cannot contact you via the information on file; I may resort to using a search engine. This will be fully documented in your medical record, and we will discuss it with you in a clinical context when we next meet.
  4. I will focus on building and maintaining strong, trusting relationships separate from social media contacts.
  5. If I come across your information online, I will move on and avoid reading it. It is important to know you as you are in my office. Casual viewing of clients’ online content outside the therapy room can confuse whether it’s being done as part of your treatment or satisfy my personal curiosity. In addition, viewing your online activities without your consent and our explicit arrangement towards a specific purpose could negatively influence our working relationship. If you wish to share things from your online life with me, please bring them into our sessions, where we can view and explore them together during the therapy hour.

Be Kind.

Avoid offensive language, threats of violence, discrimination, and harassment that have no place anywhere, including social media.

Listen to, understand, and embrace others’ unique skills and knowledge.

Avoid Dual Roles.


Be Clear. Clearly outline the ethical and legal boundaries that constrain me as a Registered Psychologist.

Be Accurate. Maintain accurate and truthful statements on social media about my practice, colleagues, the profession of psychology, and other issues.


Be Evidence-Based. Give special attention to the scientific support and empirical basis for statements made and the limitations of available evidence regarding topics.

Strive to provide relevant, valid, and reasonably current information.

Be Transparent about the limitation of psychological research.

Avoid “cherry-picking” research to support my personal, political, or other agenda.

Appropriately cite resources, respect copyright, and avoid plagiarism.

Delineate and differentiate facts, findings, and personal opinions.


Be Informative. Facilitate the public to develop informed judgment and choice concerning psychology and mental health/wellness.

Avoid giving specific advice, offering diagnoses, or otherwise behaving as if I were conducting therapy.


Be Open. People will never see eye-to-eye on all issues — social, political, or otherwise.

Embrace and value different backgrounds, opinions, and experiences on social media and refrain from criticizing points of view different from my own.

Relevant Legal and Professional Acts

1.       Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)—requires all health care professionals to safeguard their client’s privacy

2.      Practice Guidelines of CAP

3.      Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists


Social media has the potential to be of significant benefit. It can:

  1. improve public access to information about psychology, specifically to underserved populations, marginalized groups, disabled individuals without access to transportation, and those living in remote areas.
  2. encourage public engagement in normalizing and supporting mental health
  3. promote mental health and wellness.
  4. provide education, information and promote the field of psychology
  5. facilitate self-advocacy
  6. inspire healthy choices by getting access to the best information, connect with providers and with each other, and inspire healthy choices.”

But it is essential to balance these potential benefits with the potential risks. Particularly regarding privacy, confidentiality, dual roles, access to technology, cultural humility, comfort, and preservation of the therapeutic relationship.

Complex situations can quickly develop within this balancing process, and it can be difficult for people to understand how psychology differs from standard business practices. I aim for transparency, clarity, and professionalism in creating this policy. I endeavor to: 

Fanning or “Liking”

Please feel free to “like” my professional pages on social media and my posts. However, please keep in mind this could potentially compromise your confidentiality as it will be visible to others. You can always access this general information and education via my blog without creating a visual, public link to me.

Suppose you do follow or like my professional pages. In that case, if you use an easily recognized name, and I notice that you have liked or followed me; we may briefly discuss it and its potential impact on our working relationship.

Messenger/ Text messaging

I will not use SMS or messaging via social media sites for interactions. These messaging tools are not secure and are not checked regularly. If there is anything you wish to discuss, please feel free to bring it up in session or utilize the contact form on my website or by e-mailing


if you decide to “follow” or “friend” my professional pages, you use an easily recognized name, and I notice that you have liked or followed me; we may briefly discuss it and its potential impact on our working relationship.

To respect your privacy and confidentiality, I do not accept friend or contact requests from current or former clients on my personal social media profiles. This alters our professional relationship and is outside our scope of any clinical work. This policy is designed to safeguard our professional relationship and ensure your continued experience of safety in therapy).


Clients are not expected to follow my professional social media pages. If you choose to follow me, I will not follow you back as I only follow other health professionals and do not follow current or former clients on any social media.

If you do “follow” or “like” my professional pages, you use an easily recognized name, and I notice that you have liked or followed me; we may briefly discuss it and its potential impact on our working relationship.


I will not engage with you, comment, or respond through social networking sites (i.e., messenger, wall posts, @replies, etc.).

These social media communication tools are not secure, may be read by others, and I do not check them in a timely or consistent manner. Engaging me in this way could compromise your confidentiality and safety.

Further, given our professional relationship, these exchanges become part of your legal medical record and will need to be documented and archived in your chart. 

If you wish to discuss anything within my social media pages, please feel free to bring it up in session, utilize the contact form below or email

Sharing Information

Of course, you have a right to express yourself on any site you wish. You get to decide what to tell people. You can share that you are in therapy with me with whoever and wherever you like. You have a choice as to what you reveal about yourself and our work online; however, I will not reveal my connection to you.

I will NEVER share information about clients or your sessions on any social media platform. Confidentiality means that I cannot tell people that you are my client. My Ethics Code prohibits me from requesting testimonials and confirming or denying that you are in therapy with me. But you can choose where and how to share your personal information.


Please keep in mind that interacting, friending, and liking my professional pages could compromise your confidentiality. Suppose you choose to follow, like, comment, forward or interact on any social media or digital platform. In that case, there is a possibility that people may make assumptions about our relationship or ask you about your connection to me if you connect with me in any form on social media.

How to access with NO VISIBLE PUBLIC LINK

To access these materials without having a visible, public link to me you can:

-use an RRS feed

-use a Locked Twitter List

-subscribe to my blog without becoming a “fan” or “liking” my professional pages or individual posts.

Please know, you can also access all materials without “liking”, “following”, or “friending” my professional pages.

Location-based services (LBS) on mobile phones

If you use location-based services on your mobile phone, you may wish to be aware of the privacy issues related to using these services. I do not place my practice as a check-in location on various sites, such as Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt, etc. However, if you have GPS tracking enabled on your device, others may surmise that you are a therapy client due to regular check-ins at my office. Please be aware of this risk if you are intentionally “checking in”, from my office or have a passive LBS app enabled on your phone.

Services I do NOT use







Business Review Sites

Many of the forums where users rate their providers and add reviews are not solicited, and I may not even be aware of their existence (i.e., Yahoo, Yelp, HealthGrades, etc.). Many of these sites comb search engines for business listings and automatically add listings regardless of whether the business has added itself to the site. If you find my listing on any of these sites, please know that it is NOT my listing. Its’ existence is NOT a request for a testimonial, rating, or endorsement from you as my client.

I do not expect you to review my practice online. But you have the right to express yourself on any site you wish or not. If you do, I will not engage you on the review site, regardless of whether the review is positive or negative. If you leave a comment on one of these sites, there is a very good chance I will never see it.

If we are working together, I hope you directly bring your feelings and reactions to our work. This can be an important part of the therapy process, even if you decide we are not a good fit. I welcome discussion about your experiences; positive and negative experiences are valuable.


Any work that I do that is NOT done within the context of a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship (including individuals with whom I have a therapeutic, supervisory, or evaluative relationship) is non-clinical work. Anyone may have contact with my non-clinical work. Therefore, I have created a social media policy to clarify the intent and limits of my non-clinical work.

Social Media refers to any interaction outside the treatment room/relationship. This would include virtual and non-virtual modes, such as print media, internet, video-based media (i.e., television, YouTube, etc.), text messages, e-mail, social media networking (i.e., LinkedIn, etc.), entertainment sites (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.), business promotion services, business review services (i.e.,, Google Reviews, Yelp, etc.), websites (i.e.,, etc.), and blog posts. In general, I use the term “Social Media” as an umbrella term to refer to all these modes of communication. 

My Social Media Policy is not to discourage you from accessing my social media. Rather, it is to encourage you to be a conscious consumer, preserve our relationship, protect your privacy and safeguard your confidentiality. As well, I want to ensure transparency about the differences between my clinical (my work with you as a client) and non-clinical work (my contact via social media, digital platforms, etc.).

I encourage you to be aware of what you disclose on any digital platform and to keep in mind that your actions on social media may share personally revealing information about yourself in a public forum. I urge you to create a pseudonym not linked to your regular email address or friend networks for your privacy and protection. But even with these precautions, please remember that nothing you post on social media is ever truly anonymous. 

Please note social media and technology are constantly changing, and there may be times when I need to update this policy. If I do so, I will post updates to this policy online and inform you of the changes in our session.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these policies and procedures or regarding any interaction with me on the Internet, please bring them to my attention so we can discuss your concerns.

Please contact me using the contact form on this page, email me at or you can write me at:

Dr. Tula Paul, M.Ed., Ph.D., R. Psych. (AB)

10417 Saskatchewan Drove NW

Edmonton, AB T6E 4R8


if you do not feel comfortable speaking with me directly, you can contact the College of Alberta Psychologists. CAP oversees the registration of Psychologists in Alberta, and they will be able to assist you with your concerns.

College of Alberta Psychologists

1850 Sun Life Place

10123 – 99 Street NW

Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3H1

PHONE 780.424.5070 or Toll-free in Alberta at 1.800.659.0857

FAX 780.420.1241



Dr. Keely Kolmes

Since 2010, Dr. Kolmes has been internationally cited across health and medical disciplines for her robust Social Media Policy which explains Internet conduct and interactions. She makes this policy available to all clinicians who want to modify or adapt it for their practice. My Social Media Policy borrows heavily from her Social Media Policy.

Association of State and Provincial Psychology Board (ASPPB)

ASPPB’s Social Media Task Force (SMTF) released a “White Paper on Guidelines for the Use of Social Media by Psychologists in Practice and by Psychology Regulatory Bodies” on October 9, 2020. This document was reviewed and used to augment my Social Media Policy.

American Psychological Association (APA)

The APA Guideline for the Optimal Use of Social Media in Professional Psychological Practice is designed to educate psychologists and provide a framework to maximize benefit and minimize risk for the use of social media in professional psychological practice. 

Kenneth Drude and Karen Messer-Engel (2021)

"The Development of Social Media Guidelines for Psychologists and for Regulatory Use" in the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science

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